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Manfloss Dispenser - 100m

  • Manfloss Dispenser - 100m

Manfloss Dispenser - 100m

Reference: CDNZA0006

Finally, there is a luxurious wafer thin but also soft and wide tapes designed to stop you cursing and get you smiling! For the first time ever, precise instructions are enclosed to dispense the frustrations about flossing… learn how length is everything….

To show white plaque being removed.

Seriously Good Value

Inside the dispenser is 2 x 50 metre rolls of tape! With refills at less than half price!


Our super wide design makes it seriously effective.

Wafer Thin

Wafer thin to slip between the teeth despite the width

Minty & Delicate on Gums

Soft to land gently on your gums with a freshmint aftertaste.

Uniquely Refillable

Refillable to go easy on your pocket and the environment

Sticky & Absorbent

Sticky for grip and to absorb what’s been dislodged

Tough Tape

Floss that is shred resistant….and by golly we’ve tried…

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