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Fittydent Denture Super Sensitive Adhesive - Aloe - 40ml

  • Fittydent Denture Super Sensitive Adhesive - Aloe - 40ml

Fittydent Denture Super Sensitive Adhesive - Aloe - 40ml

Reference: CDNZA0003

Fittydent Sensitive Denture Adhesive with Aloe Vera & Myrrh

Aloe Vera has been known and used as a herbal medical plant since 1500 b.c. Studies have pointed out that Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-septic effects. Myrrh has been known as a powerful natural antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and astringent since thousands of years. It has been used to relieve pain, gingivitis, periodontal disease.

The Triple Action of Fittydent Sensitive Denture Adhesive:

  • The PVA Bonding Effect provides an extremely strong and long lasting hold which prevents dentures from slipping and sliding, thus preventing irritations of the mucosa

  • Aloe Vera – strengthens the gum, soothes and alleviates gum irritation like gum sores (ulcer)

  • Myrrh prevents and soothes inflammation of the gum due to its disinfecting and astringent effect

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